On the Mend
As those of you on Facebook know, Cakes is just recovering from pneumonia. McHotty deserves some snaps for catching this one. She had a cold last weekend, but when he picked her up from school on Wednesday she had a nasty cough, so he immediately got on the phone with our doctor’s office and got her an appointment the next morning. He was able to take her Thursday and stay home the rest of the day with her while I went to class. They put her on antibiotics and she is so much better already. But it broke our hearts hearing her pitiful coughs and seeing her so uncharacteristically listless.
I must say, however, it wasn’t all bad. The weather’s been shite, so it was very pleasant to curl up with a snugly mellow babe on the couch, under a blanket. It sure is nice feeling free to indulge your child as much as you want because she’s not feeling well. Cakes, who never watches any TV, was allowed to watch Dora for hours this week. I let her eat cookies on the couch and have porridge for dinner. I must confess, I got a helluva lot of reading done.
Now, tomorrow, back to the real world. Wish me luck.

Here is a little info about them:
The South Riverdale Child-Parent Centre is a charitable, non-profit organization, which has been developing and implementing programs for families in the Riverdale area for more than 25 years. The core program is the daily Drop-in, which allows parents and caregivers to join other adults and their children for much-needed social interaction, emotional support and friendship. In an average month, 100 families depend on the facility’s safe environment to offer their children playtime, crafts, singing, and nutritious snacks. Although the Centre does receive government funding for its operating budget, fundraising is essential in order to maintain the current quality of daily programming.
Come on out to our upcoming fundraising event “Sin City on the South Side”, a Vegas-themed charity auction. Have a fun time (it's licensed!) and get your Christmas shopping done early.
Here's the deets:
Saturday, November 10, 2007
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Ralph Thornton Building (2nd Floor)
765 Queen Street East (Queen and Saulter)
Click here to add this event to Facebook. Hope you can make it!
Labels: Cakes
What? porridge...?
I thought that was made-up on "Little House on the Prairie"? or the 3 little bears...
So sorry to hear Cakes was sick! Glad she's on the mend.
We can't make it to the fundraiser because we've go tickets for Sweeney Todd that night, but it does sound fun!
oh the poor little button. Glad to hear she is getting better. I hate it when my kids get sick.
I'm so glad she is feeling better - B had that back in the Fall and it was the first (and only time) she has curled up with me and slept during the day. As much as I enjoyed all the sleeping, the sickness made me super worried and sad. Hugs to Cakes from me and B (and I'm happy you got lots of reading done - always a silver lining eh?).
Pneumonia sucks. I am so glad Cakes is feeling better.
My kids love porridge...
My oldest had pneumonia a few winters back and we really did have to coddle her to get her all better. I'm glad to hear that your little Cakes is feeling better.
Oh, poor thing. I totally sympathize, because we've been having a rough go of it, too. But I sure hope your re-entry into real life goes more smoothly than ours has been! (But hey - you mean you got hugs from Cakes? Whoot!)
I'm glad to hear Cakes is better. Sucks having a sick kid.
But um, do your kids have to be sick to feed them porridge for supper? (Hangs head in shame...)
Pneumonia is no fun to have.... glad to hear she's on the mend.
I'm so glad that Cakes is on the mend - and you're right; no such thing as too much indulgence when your babe is sick.
I would definitely come to Sin City night, but I plan to be in labour ;)
Is that the one in the same building as the library?
I totally used to go there with my daughter when I lived out that way.
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