'Tis the Season to be Reading
I’m so behind with my book reviews. It’s been wonderful having hours to read each day, but with no time to write I’m hopelessly behind. The other problem is that there are many great books from my house coming out now, but I read them months ago on an e-reader (and of course I didn’t write down my thoughts at the time). So in lieu of the individual posts they deserve, here’s some quick thoughts on my favourites for fall:

If you loved Oryx and Crake, you’ll love this even more. And I love how Atwood's dove into social media! Check out her website for the book here and follow her on Twitter here (she's tweeting her tour). I just managed to snag a ticket to the T.O. event tomorrow night. Recap to come!
Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro
How many times do I have to tell you to read Alice Munro? Too Much Happiness is Alice in top form (my favourite collection is still Runaway though). If you still haven't read Alice Munro, get thee to your local independent bookstore!
Great Expectations by Dede Crane and Lisa Moore
This is a wonderful collection of original essays about childbirth from twenty-four celebrated writers including (to name just a few) Lynn Coady, Lisa Moore and Joseph Boyden. It’s great reading (and a perfect gift for a new mother). You can listen to excerpts here.
8 X 10 by Michael Turner. This is an inventive, challenging book. As you may have guessed from the title, the author borrows from the visual arts to portray today’s global society. This is one I will read again.

A bookend to Generation X, it doesn’t disappoint. I’d also comp it to Girlfriend in a Coma. Plus, this is my favourite cover of the season. Check out a fun video with Coupland here.
Undiscovered Gyrl by Allison Burnett
Heart-rending, original coming-of-age tale chronicled in a blog. This one really stuck with me.
The Wife’s Tale by Lori Lansens
If you haven’t read Lori Lansens yet, go get Rush Home Road, or The Girls. Then read this too.
Waiting for Columbus by Thomas Trofimuk
This novel is wonderfully imaginative; a surprise treat for me. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him, but I hear the author is lovely. You can find him on Twitter here.
And what are you reading this fall. Has anyone read anything on the Giller longlist? I have the Baile and Mootoo on hold at the library. It’s an interesting list, no? Why isn't Lisa Moore on the list?
Labels: books
Thank you so much for your kind words about my novel, only it's called UNDISCOVERED GYRL! not Uninterrupted Gyrl.
Allison Burnett
I'm SO sorry! That's what I get for dashing off a post in a hurry. It's fixed now!
I almost feel shame for saying this, but I didn't really enjoy Oryx and Crake, so I'm not rushing out for Year of the Flood. Any new Atwood usually makes me salivate, but I'm just not excited for it. Somebody needs to put it on our book club list so I can read it and (hopefully) love it.
I'm working on a review for Great Expectations - I LOVED it.
Trofimuk was at the bookclub last week for Davidson.
He spoke wednesday and I had to choose between him and Andrew. Last year Thomas was there for Doubting yourself to the bone. I adored him and the book.
Like kgirl I just am not loving the latest Atwood novels. Though payback was fun to read.
I appreciate the list - since having kids, I almost never read proper books anymore. And now I've lost my train commute I am REALLY not reading - but when I do get a chance, I'll be lookinga at your list.
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Ich wunsche Ihnen Gluck und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
Je vous souhaite sante et bonheur chaque jour!
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Ich wunsche Ihnen Gluck und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
Je vous souhaite sante et bonheur chaque jour!
I loved Oryx & Crake and am so looking forward to Flood. Attended her performance in Toronto last night and now I'm even more excited.
Oh, and I just finished reading Lauren Groff's Delicate, Edible Birds. Man, that was really, really good.
just finished Rush Home Road-Lori Lansens and loved it.
Will have to pick up a copy of The Wife's Tale.
Also read Still Alice- Lisa Genova this month and thought it was really good- still thinking about it 2 weeks after finishing it.
Lots of great suggestions here- thanx.
So many good books, not nearly enough time. (And here I am reading Bitten instead of one of the Giller/Booker prize books. Although that said, I do have Wolf Hall on my shelf waiting, and have started the Trofmiuk. I guess it's a start.)
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