It Takes a Village
I remember how lonely I was when I had Cakes four years ago. I didn’t know many other parents, and didn’t have many friends in the city (we’d recently moved). I sure didn’t know any neighbours. I remember going to drop-ins, desperate for conversation, making forced, boring, repetitive small talk with women I had nothing in common with besides having given birth.
This time couldn’t be more different. Thanks to the blogosphere, I have my tribe of fabulous women who are just a tweet or an email away. I can even *gasp* phone them if I want to. We’ve moved to a far friendlier neighbourhood where I actually want to talk to a lot of the parents I meet at the park. We have a few fellow parent friends on our block who take Cakes for play dates with their kids. And I have the loveliest next-door neighbour. He and Cakes went for brunch last weekend. And the other night, after a very, very long solo day with both kids, Cakes spied him outside on our communal garden bench. “Alan!” she shouts out the window. “Wait there, we’re coming out after mommy goes pee!” (thanks for sharing, Cakes). When we straggle outside, me with my spit-up stained shirt and dark circled eyes, there’s a crisp, cold glass of white wine waiting for me, and he stretches out his hands to take Sherwood from my tired arms.
Good friends; good neighbours. They’re making all the difference.
Labels: on motherhood
how lovely. you sound like you are doing really well, enjoy.
Sooooo glad you are enjoying your time with your babes!
That is excellent.
What a nice post. I kind of got goosebumps!
The second time around is no less exhausting, but at least you know what you're doing, a little bit more.
I'm so glad things are going well...
And speaking of - playdate/lunch soon?
that's so fantastic that you have such a great support system in place- it makes all the difference.
I wish I had neighbours like you!
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Alan sounds like an awesome neighbour.
#2 is easier in so many ways. Having an older child who forces us to get out and socialise is one of them.
It certainly has been way better the second time around thanks to great friends.
Ah, I'm glad it's so much better. I've been somewhat solo for both, but at least knew people with kids and had a few of the school moms to talk to this time. Just knowing other moms - like you bloggy girls - who get it is so huge.
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