Last Night With John Irving
I was fourth in line to see one of my favourite writers, John Irving, last night at the IFOA. It was a wonderful event, so I’ll give you a fairly detailed recap. And video should be available soon--I’ll post a link once I have it.

A master storyteller, Irving goes on to amuse us with anecdotes. He tells us about meeting Charleton Heston at a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood (during the release of the film adaptation of The Cider House Rules). Unable to reconcile the gun-toting, right-wing Republican with an abortion rights activist, no one at the event would speak to him. Not Irving: “c’mon, it’s Moses!” He sat himself down and they chatted guns (Heston had many more guns than Irving). His point is, you just can’t categorize people.
Next, Irving takes questions from the audience. A high-school teacher asks how he feels about his books being taught. He responds that he’s grateful his novels are being introduced to kids in school, but feels bad for the kid who hates him, because he’s been that kid. Faulkner was forced on him when he was too young, and he still can’t read Faulkner (by the way, his strongest influences are Hardy, Melville and Dickens). An audience member asks when his children first read his books (Irving has three sons). He tells us his eldest read The World According to Garp when he was just twelve(!) Irving was nervous about it, but “didn’t want to blow his liberal reputation.” His son was moved and affected, but not disturbed, and recognized immediately that the book was about his father’s fears.
I could go on and on, but I can’t do this maestro justice, so come back and check out the video. And of course, read the new book!
Any other big John Irving fans reading? What is your favourite book?
Labels: books
I was there too and was in awe of the master. For me, Owen Meany is my favourite, but Cider House Rules and Garp are not far behind. Looking forward to Twisted River.
Awesome! I am a big John Irving fan. I find comfort in the recurring themes, happy when a bear turns up and all that. Would have been awesome to see him speak. Will have to get the new one - so behind in my reading list. I read a LOT of Irving in university but haven't picked him up lately.
I do love John IRving, though I haven't read nearly all of his books - he's yet another on the long list of one-days. sigh. Can I just quit work for a few years and catch up a bit? I mean, with no one to look after, too?
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