My New Favourite Blog

From Julie and Sean:
We’ve asked our participants to respond to the following imaginary scenario: You’re working in your favorite bookstore and a customer walks into the store and tells you that he/she needs a good book. A gift for a curious, open-minded and adventurous reader. The customer is someone that you’ve helped many times before and they trust your taste implicitly, but they’re in a hurry. In 25 words or less (or more, depending on your sense of restraint) what book do you recommend? What book, regardless of genre, format, relative bestsellerness, colour or shape, gets your unequivocal stamp of awesomeness?
The response has been overwhelming, and there are already many wonderful reading suggestions (and much more to come). My wish list is getting longer every day!
Follow Advent Books on Twitter.
Labels: books
Heh, the "from Julie and Sean" line through me a bit.
I'll have to check out Quicksmash's website.
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