I’m embarrassed about how infrequently I’ve been writing here lately. Considering my job allows me to blog at work, you’d think I’d be blogging at work, right?
Well, work’s been pretty fucking busy. And last week was sales conference—I’m just getting a handle on all of our fall titles, and now we’re planning our work for spring ’09! My brain is full.
Now that school’s out I’m reading tons and tons of books. I’m sheepish I haven’t kept up with my reviews, but I’m pretty mentally exhausted after all the papers I’ve written this year, and I just wanna read for pleasure and not have to analyse it. I do pledge to do a big round-up post on my favourite recent reads in the coming week. I have read some really fab stuff.
Speaking of fab, you’ve heard me going on and on (especially if you know me in the flesh) about Andrew Davidson’s
The Gargoyle. I’ve had a free ad for the book in my sidebar for a month or so now, and I only do that for very special people.
This book is special indeed--there’s something for everyone. It’s Michael Ondaatje meets Stephen King meets Dante Aligheri. Seriously. The first hundred pages are a white-knuckle ride that left me breathless. I couldn’t get enough of Davidson’s creepy, twisted metaphors, and I was fascinated with the detailed descriptions of the burn-recovery process. Davidson did his research. But above all, this is a magnificent love story, one that can even affect a cynical, unromantic atheist like me.
I had the pleasure to meet the genius behind this book at a reception last week, and I am enamored. Andrew Davidson is awesome. Soft-spoken and modest, he took his time with each and every person who waited in the long line for him to sign their books. But rather than gushing on, I’ll just leave you with the pics.

For links to all of Andrew Davidson’s media appearances, join
The Gargoyle Book Club on Facebook.
Labels: books