metro mama

Monday, January 25, 2010

Breast Is Best (For Me)

Update: I have just realized there is some new breastfeeding controversy going on. Don't know the details (and don't care to) but honestly, I didn't time this post to capitalize on it!

Sherwood will be six months on the 29th. Isn’t that crazy? The dude is twenty pounds (!), with fat thighs that you have to squeeze, and cheeks like apples that I chomp on while he pulls my hair and giggles. He likes to sit with us while we eat dinner. His jaw hangs open and he drools, and it’s hard to hold him on your lap while you eat anymore as he swipes at your fork and tries to yank your placemat off the table.

The boy is ready for solids. I’ve purchased cereal, new dishes, cutlery, bibs and all the accoutrements I can justify. I have no reason not to start, but I keep putting it off, even though he is starting to nurse every two hours again. The thing is, I love nursing him. Each week he feeds a little faster and I don’t want to give up any of this precious time.

I’m amazed I’ve reached this point. Breastfeeding was hell at first; I didn’t think it would ever be easy, let alone pleasurable. But it is. I can feel the endorphins flowing when he suckles. We’re relaxed, and it is such an intimate, sensual feeling—I’m not a good enough writer to do it justice.

I had such a different experience with Cakes. She never nursed. At six months, we had her going to her own bed at 7 pm sharp. She never slept with us. Sherwood wrangled his way into our bed months ago, and I just can’t kick him out. He wakes up once during the night, but there is nothing easier than nursing him, half asleep, then curling up around him again. And it makes my day to start it by waking to a little pat on the cheek from a chubby hand, and a beautiful, beaming smile from my amazing boy.

A few months ago I was bemoaning the fact that he wouldn’t take a bottle, and I couldn’t get away from him for very long at a time. Now I don’t want to let him go.

If you’re coming here because you googled something like “breastfeeding problems” or “breastfeeding is hard” (as I did six months ago) you’re not alone. It’s incredibly hard at first, but it really, really is worth it. Stick with it, not because of pressure to breastfeed, but for selfish reasons. Did I mention I'm eating cake every day and still losing weight?



Blogger kittenpie said...

Your little man is turning out exactly as chubby and voracious as mine!

I was cosleeping with each of mine until about 6 mos., btu after that, I found the wiggling and sitting up unnerving, convinced they would fall out of bed on their heads, and moved them gradually into their own cribs.

It has been different, in some ways, but mostly, like you, I'm taking delight in chubby cheeks and little giggles, even though he slimmed down with the start of locomation. I know this stage won't last, and I adore it so.

Glad you are revelling in it, too!

3:03 PM  
Blogger 11111111 said...

He's solid-looking that's for sure!

3:46 PM  
Blogger moplans said...

he's delicious. Everything is easier with the second. I figure they will all be out of my bed one day and I will miss them
I will have to have another just to be able to eat cake again!

7:04 PM  
Blogger karengreeners said...

Love it, love it, love it. Love him.

9:49 PM  
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12:36 PM  
Blogger MissLita said...

yep def hard at first but worth it! i also have a "breast is best" post *funny*. if anyone wants to see some of the advantages of breast feeding check my post! *high five* to all my breast feeding mamas

1:41 AM  
Blogger Run ANC said...

Oh, I have such a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding, but you're right that it is sooooo worth it. And it went so much better for me the second time around.

3:42 PM  

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