Late Long Weekend Recap
I just realized I haven’t shared any Easter pics yet. I don’t really have many—it’s pretty hard to convince a toddler who’s hopped up on chocolate to pause and pose for pictures.

We took a very big step this weekend. We went to Kingston Friday, and came back by ourselves Saturday for the Foo Fighters concert (the Easter bunny kindly came Saturday morning so we wouldn’t miss the excitement). This is the first time Cakes has spent the night in someone else’s house without us. It didn’t bother her one bit. Her godparents were also there, and she was spoiled rotten all weekend. Then her grandmother brought her home on the train. Very exciting. I got a little stab when I saw her name on her very own ticket.
We didn’t take full advantage of the empty house on Sunday. We tried to sleep in, but I just can’t sleep past 8:00 anymore. I was too sore and hungover from the Foos for any nookie. We did manage to get for brunch for the first time in ages, to Edward Levesque’s Kitchen. It was wonderful--I highly recommend it. I also went there for dinner during Winterlicious, and it was fab too. There’s just no reason to leave Leslieville anymore.
After brunch, I spent hours and hours hunched over my second last term paper. Fucking hell, am I ready to be done with term papers.
As nice as it was having a quiet house, I sure was glad to have my gal home. And I think she missed us just a wee bit too.

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